
Бороскоп с жестким стержнем S60

Поддержка продукта: ОЕМ, ОДМ

Сертификация продукции: Сертификация СЕ, сертификация трубопровода IP68, сертификация хоста IP54, высоко- и низкотемпературная сертификация

Квалификация предприятия: Получил предприятие ISO9001, ИСО45001, Сертификация системы качества продукции ISO14001


Введение в инструмент

1 .Осмотр внутренней полости: Check for defects such as, cracks, шелушение, pulling wires, царапины, dents, выступы, пятна, коррозия, и т. д.. on the surface of the inner cavity of components and raw materials.
2. Equipment inspection: Check whether each component meets the requirements of the drawing and whether there are assembly defects.
3. Проверка сварных швов: Check for surface defects such as, cracks, цвет окисления, неполное проникновение, and weld leakage on the weld seam surface.
4. Surplus inspection: Check for various metal and non-metallic residues, остатки чистки, residual debris, посторонние предметы, и т. д.. in the internal cavity of the component.
5. Processing inspection: Detect defects such as, burrs, damages, and turnup during various mechanical processing processes.
6. Status check: Detect the operating status and inner surface status of in-service equipment.

Application area

  • Aerospace

Used for regular inspection and maintenance of core components such as, combustion chambers, compressors, aircraft blades, and turbines in air force and civil aircraft engines, as well as quality control in the research, development, and manufacturing process of rockets or other aircraft and aerospace abrasives.

  • Automotive manufacturing

used for quality control and vehicle assembly inspection of engine cylinder blocks, cylinder heads, turbines, transmissions, exhaust pipes, valve bodies, pump bodies, control modules, hydraulic components, nozzles, и другие компоненты.

Technical parameters

Host Parameters


Screen 10 inch, 15.6 inch industrial touching LCD screen
Output Port Mini HDMI/USB
Power Supply Online adapter current input
Protection Grade IP68


Insertion tube diameter 0.9мм、 1.2мм、1.6мм、1.8мм、2.0мм、2.8мм, 3.8мм、6мм、8.3мм
Пиксель 0.16MP. 0.30MP. 1MP、2MP
Probe Length 1-10м
Articulation No steering, two way, 360° full way
Bending Angle MAX 230
Глубина резкости 5-50mm3-100mm、7-120mm 10-100mm
Поле зрения 100°,120°
Lens Direction Front view/side view/integrated front and side view
View Angle Multiple angles such as 0 , 30 70°, and 90 °are optional, and tips can be
customized according to the usage environment
Interchangable probe Interchangable probe
Lighting type Front lighting or rear fib er optic transmission

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